lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

What in the World is going on?

"This is an amazing time to be alive. But what is it that makes it so? What in the world is happening on the planet? For the sake of those who are awakening now to the fact that something unusual is going on, can we arrive at a succinct statement of it?

We are living through a period that is unlike very many others in the history of the Earth. Every so often – and different people give different time spans – one age ends on Earth and another begins, bringing with it an opportunity for people to leave the environment they’re in, return to whence they came, and advance in the evolutionary spiral. And this is one of those times.

If you are a westerner, you might say that the Piscean Age is ending and the Aquarian Age beginning. An easterner might say the Kali Yuga is ending and the Sat Yuga beginning. A Mayan might say the existing Mayan calendar has reached its end and an entirely new calendar is starting.

Whatever measurement of time you use, we’ve reached the end of the period in which we live in a particular form of separation called “duality” and we’re invited to return to a world where “unity” reigns.

We here on Earth have been kept in the dark about a lot of things. The existence of spirit realms has been sensationalized. The existence of different human civilizations in other parts of the universe has been ridiculed or kept under wraps. But now it’s time to put aside the ridicule and acknowledge that both spirit realms and galactic civilizations exist.

The leadership among these two groups, all of whom are well aware of such matters as the existence of God, divine law, the purpose of life, and the orderliness of existence, have been working together to arrange the smooth out-working of this end-of-cycle advancement.

The spiritual hierarchy that’s responsible for the evolution of life here on Earth has asked the assistance of space nations who seeded the Earth with the human form in the first place to come and lend assistance to us to effect this planetary transformation scheduled for 2012. They’ve agreed and have sent their people in abundance in ships of superior technology that remain cloaked around our Earth.

These advanced, peaceful and God-loving people from superior civilizations have assisted us in many ways and are working so far behind the scenes to clear the way for what is commonly referred to as “Ascension.”

In our case, we’ll advance from the Third Dimension of duality to the Fourth Dimension briefly and then to the Fifth Dimension of unity on or before Dec. 21, 2012. This advance is no different than attaining the Fourth-Dimensional Astral Plane after death and then later the Fifth-Dimensional Mental Plane, except that in our present case we move forward with our physical bodies. This “Ascension” in the physical body is a new development in spiritual evolution.

At some point, when we’re ready for it, Earth’s own governmental leaders will introduce us to the spiritual hierarchy and galactic fleet that are already here, in an event commonly known as “Disclosure.” After that, the galactics will land among us and begin the work of restoring the Earth to pristine condition, returning peace to the world, providing abundance where before there had been only poverty and scarcity, and in many other ways preparing us for the global shift in 2012.

Meanwhile, as all of this is taking place, a coordinated effort that reaches far out into the universe and may reach into other dimensions as well is underway that’s showering the Earth in a gradually increasing fashion with the divine energy of Love. This constant beaming of energy is causing all the unusual and unprecedented events we see around us in the world.

The malevolent forces are being contained and defeated in their various plans to dominate the world. Their control over the media, their financial subjugation of the planet, and their use of technologies to subvert our freedoms have all been rolled back.

The impact of the liberating energies is gradually increasing and will continue to do so, resulting in our experience of release from old attitudes and positions and the advent of new social patterns, new aspirations, and new alliances and cooperation that will, in the end, transform our world. If we think back on how we felt a year ago and how we feel now, we can perhaps trace the steady increase in the energies of Love on Earth.

People are awakening and finding themselves curiously interested in whatever it is that seems to be happening on Earth. Channeled messages from spirit guides and galactic teachers are flooding the Internet. All is abuzz and astir as the secret of what’s happening on Planet Earth gets out.

And it will grow in every way as time progresses and we get nearer to the crescendo in 2012. There’s no need to worry, even if the Earth must clear itself of some of its locked plates and stored negativity. There’ll be no Armageddon, no nuclear World War III, no break-up of the planet, no worldwide flood, no planetary catastrophe of any kind, no matter who says so to the contrary.

We’re headed for what is commonly thought of as a Golden Age, with health and youth restored to us, with the wisdom of masters ours, with peace and harmony returned to Earth. All the chaos and turmoil you see around you now is designed to clear the decks for this global transformation, this planetary shift to occur.

So that’s about as succinct as I can make it, to cover all that is important but not in so much detail as to overwhelm you. We have a glorious future to look forward to, in which we meet many new friends and recover relationships with many old friends. The planet’s history of want and neglect is soon to end and a new era of prosperity and abundance to begin.

There are many sources on the Internet that can tell you more of this story if you but search on 2012, Ascension, disclosure and similar terms. I welcome you to the knowledge of this Golden Age now approaching and know that the addition of your light, love, and energy will make a tremendous difference to the unfoldment of the whole".

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

Universos Paralelos.

Brian Greene, el físico que decidió escribir para nosotros,
en su nuevo libro La Realidad Oculta (The Hidden Reality)
en lenguaje simple y coloquial,
nos cuenta cómo la interpretación de las ecuaciones modernas
demuestran la existencia de los Universos Paralelos.

En un Multiverso infinito, como parece que es el nuestro
(no podría ser de otra forma: ¿podría haber algo afuera de el Todo?)
las posibilidades se combinan hasta que empiezan a repetirse.

Así, podría haber varios universos idénticos al nuestro...
Iguales en todos sus detalles
con una persona igual a usted haciendo lo mismo que está usted haciendo ahora!

Eso me pone a pensar en todos mis dobles...
Recuerdo cómo me impacto la película "La Otra Tierra" (Other Earth)
Y solamente encuentro una explicación,
que ya dieron las filosofías tradicionales hace centurias:


Ese descubrimiento me alivia: No es que tengamos montones de clones.
No es que estemos partidos en múltiples existencias simultáneas e inconscientes.
¡Es que estamos en el centro del holograma!
Esta situación no puede explicarse más hermosamente que con el nombre
del Salón de los Espejos!

Mil reflejos! Todos yo.
Solamente resta la conciencia de ello. Conciencia de ser el centro.
Conciencia de ser infinito. Conciencia de ser eterno.
Y conciencia de ser el dueño de la imagen... creada con mi mente.
Y conciente de ser una sola Mente con mi Creador y con mis hermanos.

Y mientras me encuentre en este nivel,
¡Responsable único de la fortuna o desdicha que reflejen los espejos!

domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

Survival skills for the times to come

Let’s look at three “survival skills.”

1. Remain in the Center

Our heart, our soul, our center of gravity is to be found in the center in the heart of my being.

Strength resides in the center and weakness resides in the extremes. Conservation of energy is associated with remaining in the center. Manageability, response-ability, calm reflection are all associated, with remaining in the center. So the first survival skill of paramount importance is to develop the discipline of remaining in balance or, if you prefer, remaining in the center.

2. Remain as the Observer

The second survival skill of paramount importance is to remain in the position of the observer. Observing what? Observing me. I am what needs to be observed. And why observed?

When we take the observer position, we break the connection between the upset or other unwanted condition and ourselves. We remove ourselves from the upset and make it something we’re looking at rather than being in the midst of.

Right away, this new positioning gives us a modicum of relief. Right away the temperature drops somewhat and we restore a degree of manoeuvring room.

There’s no satisfactory resolution to things when we’re “in it.” A satisfactory resolution does not become manifest or possible until we take the first step out of the upset by beginning to observe it. The positioning is altogether different. This different positioning is what gives us space. And space is what will be least available and most in demand in chaotic times. So this is the second recommended survival skill.

3. Love Unconditionally

It’s getting easier and easier to love. According to the sources we follow here, we’re being bombarded with love and light and our ability to come from the heart is increasing by leaps and bounds.

Thus the discipline we need to practice and to practice with all our might, and mind, and soul, is to love one another, everyone, everything freely. This practice of unconditional love is the only on that seems guaranteed to leave no harmful residue when things get off-the-wall chaotic, too fast to permit us to think. Only loving empowers, ennobles, and endears us to others and others to us. So this is the third survival skill.

All Toghether.

Now let’s combine the three. If we assume the observer position on ourselves while remaining in the center, in balance, we’ve maximized our ability to respond to the chaotic nature of this fast moving carousel we call life in 2012. If having accomplished these two ends, we face our world and simply love it unconditionally, we are positioned in the very best way to meet what comes to us without being thrown off track, off balance, confused, ending up in controversy and confrontation, and creating residue.

It isn’t the information we have, our neat personality, our winning smile or any other similar thing that will save us in the times ahead. It is our ability to stay centered, to remain as the observer, and to love everything we see and meet, unconditionally, that will have us come through this time of rapid change – not only in one piece, but perhaps even having thrived.